• Welcome to Memo Australia

Who are we?

Welcome to Memo Australia, Australia's number one online destination for Premium Natural Skin Care, Gifts and Natural Health products. Our warehouuse have been located in Melbourne Australia for over 10 years.


At MemoAustralia, we want to inspire families to live the quality life, guided by Authenticity, Honesty and Trustworthiness.

We try to have honest prices while only recommending high quality products along side with a high quality service which allow us to serve our customers personally. This is why you will get a “real" person by contacting us via  email.


 MemoAustralia was founded on the increasing demand for Australian natural & authentic skincare, gifts and health products in our community and we now provide the most well-known and latest brands worldwide. 


Our dedicated team of health and beauty experts receives regular training from our brands that provide us with the latest and detailed information for each product. Supplying some of the leading brands such as Swisse, Blackmores, A2, Cemoy, Eaoron, Nature's way etc..